Monday, September 10, 2007

Egon Schiele

In a time of growing conservatism, provocation does not only offer time to breath, but also time to consider reason and essence. Some weeks ago I was in Vienna and understood that Egon Schiele (my favourite painter, who became famous because of his picture below) could have been Viennese. Why? Because provocation is the result of conservatism and which city could be more conservative than Vienna?

This world would be a different place,
imagine if you can,
If we only loved our God
the way a man loves a woman.

He'd be a part of all we do,
we'd always let Him in.
And even when He made us cry,
we'd do it all again.

Ambitiously, we'd serve Him,
then at night massage His feet.
Finding daily satisfaction
in the works that we complete.

Without knowing 'every' detail
we'd help Him carry out His plan.
If we just loved our Creator
the way a man loves a woman.

More on Schiele:

Leopold Museum (biggest Schiele collection)


Some works

Some more works