Friday, September 28, 2007

Love for "Ed Wood"

Don't like comics? Well, fair enough!

What do Johnny Depp and bad movies have in common? Ehhh..... dunno? Ed Wood, of course!

Who? The guy that made movies like "Planet Nine from Outer Space" (allegedly described as "the worst movie ever made"), "Necromania: A Tale of Weird Love" (sweet!) and "intimate Confessions of the Cocktail Hostesses" (now, that was a good movie!)

Well to come to the point, Depp starred in Tim Burton's tribute to Ed Wood not that long ago. The result you can see after you saw "Planet Nine from outer Space (don't worry its only 1 1/2 hour of your life!).

Anyways, enjoy these cult flicks and thank Google!

Planet Nine from Outer Space

Ed Wood - The Movie starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton (!)