Friday, May 18, 2007


Sometime ago I promised to upload some more photos of the city that hosts my presence. Although the city has not a lot to offer in terms of nightlife, cultural events or tourist hotspots (with maybe the exception of China's biggest pagoda), it nevertheless is an interesting place.

Away from bustling
Shanghai (2 hours by train) where time is being sold, Changzhou rests in its bigger brother's shadow and dwells in its own pace. In a city that is four times the size of my hometown, there rests a certain tranquillity that is illustrative for its deference. At the breaking of the day, you can see people opening their shops or walking to work, while others enjoy a good noodle breakfast in the early morning sun.

Dont get me wrong, life in
Changzhou is much faster compared to European cities! However, moments last longer than in many other Chinese cities.

Chinese cities in general are visually appealing, full of colours, different faces and interesting street scenes.

Rusty bikes

Colorful melange


Country of contrasts

Street scene

More birdies

